How To Pick The Right Product

Beard Oils? Beard Balms? Beard Waxes?

How To Pick The Right Product

Having problems picking your poison? Use this handy guide to help you narrow down the specific facial hair products you need.

In general, beard oil is useful for keeping your hair short and soft and manageable for all sorts of facial hair styles. Our potent premium beard oils are loaded with tons of awesome stuff for your hair. Beard oils are great for softening your hair and skin but aren’t very good for styling (aside from how well they lay your hairs down and tame the scraggle).

For true beard styling, you want beard wax. Our premium beard wax makes your facial hair hold in place all day and can be considered the equivalent of hairspray for your beard. It still has a lot of the same awesome stuff in it as our beard oils, but it also has natural wax added to really hold your hairs. We use organic beeswax for maximum environmental friendliness and to help support our local bee farmers. Beard wax works especially great in long beards.

Beard balm, on the other hand, can be thought of as the halfway point between a beard oil and a beard wax. Our premium beard balm is thicker than beard oil because it has “butters” in it (like shea butter), but it lacks the thickness of a true beard wax. It’s better for holding your hair in place than beard oil, and has more of our awesome conditioning components than a beard wax does. Since it doesn’t hold quite as strongly as a true beard wax does, we recommend it for shorter beards.